Parents being schooled!
Parents learning about our 0-3 program
Sorting and identifying colours using colour box 2.
In choosing Montessori for your child, we want you to learn about our days in the classrooms. Understanding and knowing how your child learns will serve to maximize their learning experience during their time with us at MCA.
At MCA we dedicate time and space for adult learning. We invite you to join us for informative workshops to support your understanding and knowledge of the Montessori philosophy. These workshops also offer the opportunity for you to create a strong network with other parents and educators, ask questions and learn how you can bring Montessori into your homes.
We strongly recommend that parents/caregivers attend these sessions to further your understanding of the Montessori philosophy.
Where to begin? What do we recommend?
Resources are plentiful and it can certainly be overwhelming when you enter Montessori into an online search engine. We always recommend starting with your child’s classroom teacher. All of our Head Teachers are Montessori accredited and can offer suggestions on books, blogs, articles and podcasts.
Our office has a lending library, and we are always happy to provide our registered families with resources to support their knowledge and understanding of the Montessori philosophy.
Some of our favourite online resources are:
Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators
American Montessori Society
Trillium Montessori Parent Resources
The Montessori Notebook: Parent Resources
Montessori Children’s Academy uses a communication app called Montessori Compass This app allows the classroom teachers to communicate directly with you about your child’s day at school. MC can share photos, track your child’s developmental progress, and help you understand what your child is learning and progressing through during their time at school. You can also communicate directly with your child’s teacher using the messaging feature in the app.
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