Montessori Children’s Academy is located on the banks of the Grand River in the beautiful community of Paris, Ontario. The school is an alternative educational experience for children from birth to six years.

MCA offers an enriched early learning program that is consistent with Ministry of Education policies, pedagogy and curriculum. We are guided by the document “How does learning happen” and review our practices annually to ensure we are current and up to date with ministry requirements.
MCA follows the Montessori philosophy of learning and is committed to providing children with an exceptional beginning. By providing an inspirational learning environment based on the principles of Montessori combined with the provincial pedagogy, we aspire to develop independence, confidence and respect while guiding and nurturing each child’s individual development. Here at MCA, we view children as capable, competent, curious and rich in potential.
Dr. F. Mustard noted in his Early Years Study 2007, research clearly shows the significance of the first six years of life. Experiences in early life activate gene expression and result in the formation of critical pathways and processes. Billions of neurons in the brain must be stimulated to form sensing pathways which influence a person’s learning and behaviour and biological processes which affect physical and mental health. Here at MCA, we recognize the significance and importance of early relationships.
The children’s program schedule allows for times throughout the day that encourage a variety of gross and fine motor learning opportunities, both indoor and outdoor. It is important to help children self-regulate; therefore, mealtimes, rest times, and outdoor times are scheduled. This also allows the young child the ability to anticipate and transition with minimal stress.
Our environments are notably busy, with a low hum as the children engage and move about the environment. It is often difficult to place a teacher in the room upon entry. The Teacher/Guide moves about fluidly supporting the children and facilitating their self-directed experiences in the prepared environment.
At Montessori Children’s Academy Inc. we are committed to providing children with an exceptional beginning. It is our belief that if given the opportunity all children have the potential within them to do great things. By providing an inspirational learning environment based on the principles of the Montessori philosophy we aspire to develop independence, confidence and respect while guiding and nurturing each child’s individual development.

We have created a prepared environment where children are free to explore and choose their own work with enthusiasm and interest.

Your child will be empowered to discover their own learning style and set the pace that best suits their individual needs.

The environment and gentle guidance of the classroom directress will encourage the children’s development of kindness, courtesy and self-discipline.
Montessori Children’s Academy has an amazing team of qualified teaching staff that are invested in providing an exceptional beginning for your child. Each individual brings a skill set and set of expertise to share and together collaborate to create an exemplary program for each individual child.